AllMaxx S - AF Food Technology

Separation on a new level

  • Powerful and innovative

  • Hygienic machine design

  • Product-friendly, consistent separation process through FlexxPress technology

  • Performance: up to 4.5 tons/hour

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Throughput: 500 kg/h up to 4.5 t/h (depending on product and perforated drum)

3kw motor power

Perforated drum available in the following hole diameters: 1mm, 1.3mm, 2mm, 3mm, 5mm, 8mm

"TecBelt“ available in the following thicknesses: 10mm, 13mm, 16mm

Simple operating concept

Intuitive work

Status LED allows an immediate overview of the machine status

AllMaxx S separation machine - feeder options

  • Funnel feeder (product feeding via a conveyor unit)

  • Manual feeding (product infeed via a machine operator)


Display variant with automatic pressure adjustment (enables automatic pressure control and storage of various products)

Automatic lubrication pump (with targeted grease return, cartridge lasts up to 1 year)

Pusher (for optimized product intake of larger products)

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