Reepack Belted Chamber Vacuum Machines
Automatic vacuum packaging machines with conveyor belt for industrial use.
Full stainless steel construction, robust and easy to sanitize.
Vacuum packaging for all type of materials and any kind of product even of large formats thanks to the significant dimensions of the chamber and the sealing bars, guaranteeing a high and efficient production.
The wide sealing device mounted on the sealing bars guarantees an airtight seal suitable for autoclave sterilisation. Electric-driven chamber movement to minimize running costs and cut maintenance.

BT 1000

BT 1350
Features and Benefits
Overall control by PLC and colored touch-screen HMI
Digital control of the vacuum and the sealing temperature
Bi-active sealing bars in front and back position (independent)
Electromechanical movement of the vacuum chamber (HMI setting)
Infeed loading guides
Motorized conveyor belt with adjustable speed
High capacity vacuum system for best efficiency and up to 3 cycles per minute with the right pumps configuration

Belted vacuum chamber packaging machine models and differences
Front and Back Bi-Active Sealing Bar 1000 mm. Distance between bars 600 mm.
Front and Back Bi-Active Sealing Bar 1350 mm. Distance between bars 800 mm.